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A competitor must be at least 18 years or older.  Take heed to the following:


  • Your showcase may not exceed 6:30 minutes

  • You have your own creative license so the theme of your scene is up to you.  Please keep your scene Rated PG-13.  Nudity will get you disqualified.  If you need examples or clarification, please contact us.

  • Music choice must be radio edited and appropriate for everyone (music track must be fully ready - we do not mix up music for you and will not stream live music for you the day of the show). Music selection should be emailed to us for review by October 27, 2019 and must be in a digital format.  If music is not received by deadline, we will appoint a song for you. 

  • ​You may have between 4-10 hair models. You will need to submit the first and last names of all your models that will be on your participant group list before October 27, 2019.  You and your hair models will not need tickets to participate and will get in free.  If a hair model drops out, you will not be able to replace them after October 27, 2019 so choose hair models that you can depend on.

  • You may have up to 3 assistants behind scenes (which includes makeup artists), but they will need a ticket and be on your participant group list before October 27, 2019 - No exceptions. We may have volunteer makeup artists there to assist, but this will not be guaranteed.

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated and could get you banned and red-listed from any upcoming events with Buckeye Hair Fashion Awards® and/or it's affiliates. 

  • Fighting, treating others/menacing, theft, or any other unlawful crime committed by you or anyone on your team during the event will result in arrest by the Fairfield police department.  This will get you and your team disqualified from the competition.  Any prize money, commissions, or awards will be forfeited.  Please be responsible and encourage your team do be the same.


Be on time and prepared to participate when it is your time to showcase your hairstyles/cuts.  If you miss your opportunity due to being tardy, you will miss your turn.  We will not switch the show order once it is already compiled. 


Winners will be determined by our guest judges based off of the following categories: Creativity (based on the creativeness of your theme and concept), Uniqueness (based on how unique your hairstyles are compared to the everyday looks), and Organization (how organized the routine appeared to be). Perfect score per category is "10" and the lowest is 0. You can get a maximum of 30 total on judging sheets. 


To contact us by email, you can e-mail:

To contact us by email, you can call 513-402-2825 (BUCK)


Visit this disclaimer in the future to check for any amendments

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